testWriter method

Future<bool> testWriter(
  1. BuildContext context,
  2. Test test

Implementation of the TestWriter functional interface that can submit test data to GitHub.


Future<bool> testWriter(
  BuildContext context,
  Test test,
) async {
  await _loadData();
  var result = false;

  try {
    final actualTestsPath =
        testsPath.startsWith('/') ? testsPath.substring(1) : testsPath;

    final version = test.version + 1;
    final testData = test
          steps: test.steps
                (step) => step.copyWith(
                  image: Uint8List.fromList(<int>[]),
          timestamp: DateTime.now(),
          version: version,

    final testSuitePrefix =
        test.suiteName?.isNotEmpty == true ? '${test.suiteName}/' : '';

    final path = '$actualTestsPath/$testSuitePrefix${test.name}.json';

    final encoder = const JsonEncoder.withIndent('  ');
    await uploadFile(
      data: utf8.encode(encoder.convert(testData)),
      message: 'Updating test',
      path: path,
    result = true;
  } catch (e, stack) {
    _logger.severe('Error writing test', e, stack);
  return result;