waitFor method

  1. @protected
Future<Finder> waitFor(
  1. dynamic testableId, {
  2. required CancelToken cancelToken,
  3. required TestController tester,
  4. Duration? timeout,

Waits for a widget with a key that has testableId as the value.


Future<test.Finder> waitFor(
  dynamic testableId, {
  required CancelToken cancelToken,
  required TestController tester,
  Duration? timeout,
}) async {
  timeout ??= tester.delays.defaultTimeout;

  var controller = StreamController<void>.broadcast();
  var name = "waitFor('$testableId')";
  try {
    var waiter = () async {
      var end =
          DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch + timeout!.inMilliseconds;
      test.Finder? finder;
      var found = false;
      while (found != true && DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch < end) {
        try {
          finder = test.find.byKey(ValueKey<String?>(testableId));
          found = true;
        } catch (e) {
          if (cancelToken.cancelled == true) {
            throw Exception('[CANCELLED]: step was cancelled by the test');

          await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 100));

      if (found != true) {
        throw Exception('testableId: [$testableId] -- Timeout exceeded.');
      return finder!;

    var sleeper = sleep(
      cancelStream: controller.stream,
      error: true,
      message: '[$name]: ${timeout.inSeconds} seconds',
      tester: tester,

    var result = await waiter();
    if (cancelToken.cancelled == true) {
      throw Exception('[CANCELLED]: step was cancelled by the test');

    await sleeper;
    if (cancelToken.cancelled == true) {
      throw Exception('[CANCELLED]: step was cancelled by the test');

    try {
      var finder = result.evaluate().first;
      if (finder.widget is Testable) {
        var element = finder as StatefulElement;
        var state = element.state;
        if (state is TestableState) {
          _console('flash: [$testableId]', Level.FINEST);
          await state.flash();
          _console('flash complete: [$testableId]', Level.FINEST);
    } catch (e) {
      // no-op

    return result;
  } catch (e) {
      'ERROR: [$name] -- $e',
      tester: tester,
  } finally {
    await controller.close();