FirestoreTestStore class

Test Store for the Automated Testing Framework that can read and write tests to Cloud Firestore. This optionally can save screenshots to Firebase Storage, when initialized and not on the web platform.


FirestoreTestStore({required FirebaseFirestore db, String? imagePath, String? reportCollectionPath, FirebaseStorage? storage, String? testCollectionPath})
Initializes the test store. This requires the FirebaseFirestore to be assigned and initialized.


db → FirebaseFirestore
The initialized Cloud Firestore reference that will be used to save tests, read tests, or submit test reports.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
imagePath String?
Optional path for screenshots to be uploated to within Firebase Storage. If storage is null or if this is on the web platform, this value is ignored.
reportCollectionPath String?
Optional collection path to store test reports. If omitted, this defaults to 'reports'. Provided to allow for a single Firestore instance the ability to host multiple applications or environments.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
storage → FirebaseStorage?
Optional FirebaseStorage reference object. If set, and the platform is not web, then this will be used to upload screenshot results from test reports. If omitted, screenshots will not be uploaded anywhere and will be lost if this test store is used for test reports.
testCollectionPath String?
Optional collection path to store test data. If omitted, this defaults to 'tests'. Provided to allow for a single Firestore instance the ability to host multiple applications or environments.


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
testReader(BuildContext? context, {String? suiteName}) Future<List<PendingTest>>
Implementation of the TestReader functional interface that can read test data from Cloud Firestore.
testReporter(TestReport report) Future<bool>
Implementation of the TestReport functional interface that can submit test reports to Cloud Firestore.
testWriter(BuildContext context, Test test) Future<bool>
Implementation of the TestWriter functional interface that can submit test data to Cloud Firestore.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.