initialize method

Future<void> initialize({
  1. Stream<bool>? connectedStream,
  2. TestController? testController,

Initializes the plugin with an optional TestController. If the TestController is not set then this acts as nothing more than a wrapper to


Future<void> initialize({
  Stream<bool>? connectedStream,
  TestController? testController,
}) async {
  if (_initialized != true) {
    _testController = testController;
    _initialized = true;

    if (connectedStream != null) {
      _connectivitySubscription = connectedStream.listen(
        (connected) => _updateData(connected),
    } else {
      _connectivity =
          Connectivity(); // Try to set up the listener, but don't blow up the app just because the
      // listener can't be registered (ie: we're on an unsupported platform).
      runZonedGuarded(() {
        _connectivitySubscription =
          (ConnectivityResult result) => _updateData(_getConnected(result)),
      }, (_, __) {
        // no-op
    await refresh();