availableSteps property

List<AvailableTestStep> availableSteps

Returns the complete list of available tests. This will first get the list of built in steps, then overlay on the custom steps assigned by the application.


List<AvailableTestStep> get availableSteps {
  var steps = <String, TestStepBuilder>{};


  var result = <AvailableTestStep>[];
  steps.forEach((_, value) => result.add(value.availableTestStep));

  // This will attempt to sort them alphabetically.  However, in fairness,
  // that depends on the translation value so if other languages (or even
  // other custom English language strings) have different string values vs
  // the keys then this could appear out of order.
  result.sort((a, b) => a.id.compareTo(b.id));

  return result;