initialize static method

Future<TestDeviceInfo> initialize(
  1. BuildContext? context


static Future<TestDeviceInfo> initialize(BuildContext? context) async {
  var result = _instance;

  while (_completer != null) {
    await _completer!.future;
  result = _instance;

  if (result == null || (context != null && result.dips == null)) {
    _completer = Completer<TestDeviceInfo>();

    var appIdentifier = '<unknown>';
    late String brand;
    var buildNumber = '<unknown>';
    late String device;
    double? devicePixelRatio;
    BaseSize? dips;
    var id = Uuid().v4();
    late String manufacturer;
    late String model;
    late String os;
    String? orientation;
    late bool physicalDevice;
    BaseSize? pixels;
    late String systemVersion;

    if (kIsWeb) {
      brand = 'web';
      device = 'browser';
      manufacturer = '<unknown>';
      model = '<unknown>';
      physicalDevice = true;
      os = 'web';
      systemVersion = 'web';
    } else {
      try {
        var pInfo = await PackageInfo.fromPlatform();
        appIdentifier = pInfo.appName;
        buildNumber = pInfo.buildNumber;
      } catch (e) {
        // No-op; don't fail because we can't get the build number.
      if (Platform.isAndroid) {
        os = 'android';

        try {
          var plugin = DeviceInfoPlugin();
          var info = await plugin.androidInfo;

          brand = info.brand ?? 'unknown';
          device = info.device ?? 'unknown';
          id = info.androidId ?? 'unknown';
          manufacturer = info.manufacturer ?? 'unknown';
          model = info.model ?? 'unknown';
          physicalDevice = info.isPhysicalDevice ?? true;
          systemVersion = '${info.version.sdkInt}';
        } catch (e) {
          // No-op; don't fail because we can't get the device info.
      } else if (Platform.isIOS) {
        brand = 'apple';
        manufacturer = 'apple';
        os = 'ios';

        try {
          var plugin = DeviceInfoPlugin();
          var info = await plugin.iosInfo;

          device = ?? 'unknown';
          model = info.model ?? 'unknown';
          physicalDevice = info.isPhysicalDevice;
          systemVersion = info.systemVersion ?? 'unknown';
        } catch (e) {
          // No-op; don't fail because we can't get the device info.
      } else if (Platform.isFuchsia) {
        brand = '<unknown>';
        device = '<unknown>';
        manufacturer = '<unknown>';
        model = '<unknown>';
        physicalDevice = true;
        os = 'fuchsia';
        systemVersion = '<unknown>';
      } else if (Platform.isLinux) {
        brand = '<unknown>';
        device = '<unknown>';
        manufacturer = '<unknown>';
        model = '<unknown>';
        physicalDevice = true;
        os = 'linux';
        systemVersion = '<unknown>';
      } else if (Platform.isMacOS) {
        brand = 'apple';
        device = 'macos';
        manufacturer = 'apple';
        model = 'macos';
        physicalDevice = true;
        os = 'macos';
        systemVersion = '<unknown>';

    if (context != null) {
      try {
        var mq = MediaQuery.of(context);

        dips = BaseSize(
        orientation = dips.width >= dips.height ? 'landscape' : 'portrait';
        devicePixelRatio = mq.devicePixelRatio;
        pixels = BaseSize(
          mq.size.width * devicePixelRatio,
          mq.size.height * devicePixelRatio,
      } catch (e) {
        // no-op, we don't know the screen, but let's not make a big fuss.
    result = TestDeviceInfo.custom(
      appIdentifier: TestAppSettings.settings.appIdentifier ?? appIdentifier,
      brand: brand,
      buildNumber: buildNumber,
      device: device,
      deviceGroup: TestAppSettings.settings.deviceGroup,
      devicePixelRatio: devicePixelRatio,
      dips: dips,
      // Always use the settings device id if it is set
      id: TestAppSettings.settings.deviceId ?? id,
      manufacturer: manufacturer,
      model: model,
      orientation: orientation,
      os: os,
      physicalDevice: physicalDevice,
      pixels: pixels,
      systemVersion: systemVersion,

    _instance = result;
    _completer = null;

  return result;