behaviorDrivenDescriptions property

List<String> behaviorDrivenDescriptions


static final List<String> behaviorDrivenDescriptions = List.unmodifiable([
  'scroll the `{{scrollableId}}` widget `{{increment}}` pixels at a time until the `{{testableId}}` widget is visible and fail if it cannot be found in `{{timeout}}` seconds.',
  'scroll the `{{scrollableId}}` widget until the `{{testableId}}` widget is visible and fail if it cannot be found in `{{timeout}}` seconds.',
  'scroll `{{increment}}` pixels at a time until the `{{testableId}}` widget is visible and fail if it cannot be found in `{{timeout}}` seconds.',
  'scroll until the `{{testableId}}` widget is visible and fail if it cannot be found in `{{timeout}}` seconds.',
  'scroll the `{{scrollableId}}` widget {{increment}} pixels at a time until the `{{testableId}}` widget is visible.',
  'scroll the `{{scrollableId}}` widget until the `{{testableId}}` widget is visible.',
  'scroll `{{increment}}` pixels at a time until the `{{testableId}}` widget is visible.',
  'scroll until the `{{testableId}}` widget is visible.',