testReader method

Future<List<PendingTest>?> testReader(
  1. BuildContext? context, {
  2. String? suiteName,

When running on a non-web platform this will read the tests from the file system using the testPath.


Future<List<PendingTest>?> testReader(
  BuildContext? context, {
  String? suiteName,
}) async {
  var pendingTests = <PendingTest>[];

  if (kIsWeb) {
      '[IoTestStore] -- testReader not supported on web',
  } else {
    var path = testPath;

    if (suiteName != null) {
      path = '$path/$suiteName';

    var files = Directory(path).listSync(recursive: true);

    for (var file in files) {
      try {
        if (file is File && file.path.endsWith('.json')) {
          var data = json.decode(file.readAsStringSync());

          var test = Test.fromDynamic(data);
      } catch (e) {
        // no-op

  return pendingTests;