goldenImageWriter method

Future<void> goldenImageWriter(
  1. TestReport report

When running on a non-web platform this will write the golden images from the given report to the file system using the imagePath.


Future<void> goldenImageWriter(TestReport report) async {
  if (kIsWeb) {
      '[IoTestStore] -- goldenImageWriter not supported on web',
  } else {
    var path = imagePath;
    if (report.suiteName?.isNotEmpty == true) {
      path = '${path}/_Suite_${report.suiteName}_';
    } else {
      path = '$path/';

    path = '${path}Test_${}_';

    for (var image in report.images) {
      if (image.goldenCompatible) {
        var file = File('${path}${}.png');
        file.createSync(recursive: true);

        var data = image.image!;

        final testImageCodec = await instantiateImageCodec(data);
        final testImage = (await testImageCodec.getNextFrame()).image;
          '[IMAGE]: ${file.absolute.path} -- (${testImage.width}, ${testImage.height})',