execute method

  1. @override
Future<void> execute({
  1. required CancelToken cancelToken,
  2. required TestReport report,
  3. required TestController tester,

Executes the test step by ensuring the Testable with the given id exists on the widget tree before continuing. This will throw an error is the Testable with the set testableId cannot be found on the tree before the timeout is exceeded.


Future<void> execute({
  required CancelToken cancelToken,
  required TestReport report,
  required TestController tester,
}) async {
  String? testableId = tester.resolveVariable(this.testableId);
  assert(testableId?.isNotEmpty == true);

  var name = "$id('$testableId')";
    tester: tester,
  var finder = await waitFor(
    cancelToken: cancelToken,
    tester: tester,
    timeout: timeout,

  await sleep(
    cancelStream: cancelToken.stream,
    tester: tester,

  if (cancelToken.cancelled == true) {
    throw Exception('[CANCELLED]: step was cancelled by the test');
  var widgetFinder = finder.evaluate();
  if (widgetFinder.isNotEmpty != true) {
    throw Exception('testableId: [$testableId] -- could not locate widget.');