
StandWithPalestine Pub Package

AutoScrollRow is a Flutter widget that allows automatic scrolling of a row of widgets horizontally with customizable options. It is useful for creating marquees or content sliders with smooth animation control.


  • Automatically scrolls a row of widgets horizontally.
  • Customizable scrolling speed (scrollDuration).
  • Option to reverse scroll direction (reverse).
  • User interaction control (enableUserScroll): allow users to stop scrolling by dragging.

Getting started

To use this package, add auto_scroll_row to your pubspec.yaml:

  auto_scroll_row: ^x.x.x  

Run the following command:

flutter pub get  


Here’s a basic example of how to use the AutoScrollRow widget in your Flutter app:

     children: List.generate(  
       (index) => Container(  
         width: 100,  
         height: 100,  
         margin: const EdgeInsets.all(8),  
         color: Colors.blueAccent,  
         child: Center(child: Text('Item $index')),  
     scrollDuration: const Duration(minutes: 15),  // Customize scroll speed  
     reverse: false,  // Set to true for right-to-left scroll  
     enableUserScroll: true,  // Enable user to stop scroll by dragging  

Additional information


  • children: List of widgets displayed in the horizontal row.
  • scrollDuration: Controls the speed of scrolling. Default is 30 minutes for a full cycle. Customize to make scrolling faster or slower.
  • reverse: Set to true for right-to-left scrolling.
  • enableUserScroll: Enable or disable user control over scrolling. Set to true to allow users to stop the scroll by dragging.


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