
A command-line tool to manage the assets in your app.

The tool will help you in:

  • Manage languages in your app.
  • Generate a dart class for each language.
  • Add GPT to translate the text for all languages in your app.
  • Convert Svg code to Svg file.
  • Add class for all svg icons in your app with method to use it.
  • Add class for all assets in your app with method to use it.
  • Manage the .env file in your app and generate a class to use it.
  • and more...

👨‍💻 Developed by:


Nasr Al-Rahbi @abom_me

👨🏻‍💻 Find me in :

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Use the dart pub global command to install this into your system.

$ dart pub global activate auto_local


If you have path, you can run this server from any local directory.

$ auto_local

Otherwise, you can run it using the pub global command.

$ dart pub global run auto_local


  • auto_local : To start the tool.

  • auto_local lang <arguments> : To manage the languages in your app and will generate a dart class for keys in the json language.
    • --adg: Add new text to the language file using GPT for all languages automatically <you have to provide API Key>.

    • --adm: Add new text to the language file manually for all languages.

    • --auto: To listen for any changes in language/path/<json files> and update the dart class.

    • --ref: To refresh the dart class file.

    • --ep: To edit the path of the language file.

    • --eapi: To edit the API Key for the GPT.

  • auto_local icons <arguments> : To manage your svg icons and convert SVG code to SVG file, and generate dart class for all icons by the name

    • --add: Add new SVG code and convert it to SVG file.

    • --edit: To edit the class name of the icons.

    • --auto: To listen for any changes in icons/path/<svg files> and update the dart class.

    • --ep: To edit the path of the icons folder.

    • --ref: To refresh the dart class file.

  • auto_local env <arguments> : This command is used to add environment variables to the .env file and use them in the project from a Dart class.
    • --new : Create a new environment variable.

    • --ref: Refresh the dart class file.

    • --delete: Delete the environment variable.

  • auto_local assets <arguments> : Generate assets class and listen to the assets folder and call the assets path from the dart class directly.
    • --generate: Generate assets class.

    • --auto: To listen for any changes in assets/ and update the dart class.

    • --ignore: To ignore any folder in the assets folder , so the tool will not add it in the dart class.