
A command-line tool to generate localizations for your app automatically.

This tool is used to generate a dart class from a JSON file. the json file path should be in assets/lang/ directory. because this tool is depend on flutter_locales2 package. the tool will keep watching for changes in assets/lang/ directory. and will generate a dart class with the name lang.dart in lib/auto_local/ directory. the class will contain all the keys in the json file.

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👨‍💻 Developed by:


Nasr Al-Rahbi @abom_me

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Use the dart pub global command to install this into your system.

$ dart pub global activate auto_local


If you have path, you can run this server from any local directory.

$ auto_local

Otherwise, you can run it using the pub global command.

$ dart pub global run auto_local

After running the tool you will listen to any changes in the json file and generate a dart class with the name lang.dart in lib/auto_local/ directory.