EntityObjectHelper extension

Extension methods to provide helper functionalities for object types that represent entities.



entityId String?
Retrieves the entity ID if the object represents an entity.
no setter
entityTimeMills int?
Retrieves the entity timestamp if the object represents an entity.
no setter
isEntity bool
Checks if the object is a map representing an entity.
no setter


entityObject<T>(String key, EntityBuilder<T> builder) → T?
Retrieves an object associated with the given key from the entity.
entityObjects<T>(String key, EntityBuilder<T> builder) List<T>?
Retrieves a list of objects associated with the given key from the entity.
entityType<T>(String key, EntityBuilder<T> builder) → T?
Retrieves an object of a specific type associated with the given key from the entity.
entityValue<T>(String key) → T?
Retrieves a value associated with the given key from the entity.
entityValues<T>(String key) List<T>?
Retrieves a list of values associated with the given key from the entity.