IGoogleAuthDelegate constructor

  1. IGoogleSignInOption signInOption = IGoogleSignInOption.standard,
  2. List<String> scopes = const <String>[],
  3. String? hostedDomain,
  4. String? clientId,
  5. String? serverClientId,
  6. bool forceCodeForRefreshToken = false,

Initializes global sign-in configuration settings.

The signInOption determines the user experience. SigninOption.games is only supported on Android.

The list of scopes are OAuth scope codes to request when signing in. These scope codes will determine the level of data access that is granted to your application by the user. The full list of available scopes can be found here: developers.google.com/identity/protocols/googlescopes

The hostedDomain argument specifies a hosted domain restriction. By setting this, sign in will be restricted to accounts of the user in the specified domain. By default, the list of accounts will not be restricted.

The forceCodeForRefreshToken is used on Android to ensure the authentication code can be exchanged for a refresh token after the first request.


  this.signInOption = IGoogleSignInOption.standard,
  this.scopes = const <String>[],
  this.forceCodeForRefreshToken = false,