copyWith method

AuthButtonStyle copyWith({
  1. Color? buttonColor,
  2. Color? splashColor,
  3. double? elevation,
  4. double? borderRadius,
  5. EdgeInsets? padding,
  6. TextStyle? textStyle,
  7. Color? borderColor,
  8. double? borderWidth,
  9. AuthButtonType? buttonType,
  10. double? width,
  11. double? height,
  12. double? iconSize,
  13. double? separator,
  14. Color? iconBackground,
  15. AuthIconType? iconType,
  16. Color? shadowColor,
  17. Color? progressIndicatorColor,
  18. Color? progressIndicatorValueColor,
  19. double? progressIndicatorStrokeWidth,
  20. double? progressIndicatorValue,
  21. Color? iconColor,

Returns a copy of this AuthButtonStyle with the given fields replaced with the new values.


AuthButtonStyle copyWith({
  Color? buttonColor,
  Color? splashColor,
  double? elevation,
  double? borderRadius,
  EdgeInsets? padding,
  TextStyle? textStyle,
  Color? borderColor,
  double? borderWidth,
  AuthButtonType? buttonType,
  double? width,
  double? height,
  double? iconSize,
  double? separator,
  Color? iconBackground,
  AuthIconType? iconType,
  Color? shadowColor,
  Color? progressIndicatorColor,
  Color? progressIndicatorValueColor,
  double? progressIndicatorStrokeWidth,
  double? progressIndicatorValue,
  Color? iconColor,
}) {
  return AuthButtonStyle(
    buttonColor: buttonColor ?? this.buttonColor,
    splashColor: splashColor ?? this.splashColor,
    elevation: elevation ?? this.elevation,
    borderRadius: borderRadius ?? this.borderRadius,
    padding: padding ?? this.padding,
    textStyle: textStyle ?? this.textStyle,
    borderColor: borderColor ?? this.borderColor,
    borderWidth: borderWidth ?? this.borderWidth,
    buttonType: buttonType ?? this.buttonType,
    width: width ?? this.width,
    height: height ?? this.height,
    iconSize: iconSize ?? this.iconSize,
    separator: separator ?? this.separator,
    iconBackground: iconBackground ?? this.iconBackground,
    iconType: iconType ?? this.iconType,
    shadowColor: shadowColor ?? this.shadowColor,
        progressIndicatorColor ?? this.progressIndicatorColor,
        progressIndicatorValueColor ?? this.progressIndicatorValueColor,
        progressIndicatorStrokeWidth ?? this.progressIndicatorStrokeWidth,
        progressIndicatorValue ?? this.progressIndicatorValue,
    iconColor: iconColor ?? this.iconColor,