A Flutter package to easily integrate Auth0 into Web Flutter apps.

Platform Support

Android iOS MacOS Web Linux Windows
x x x ✔️ x x

Auth0FlutterWeb is supported for web only.


Integrate Auth0 authentication across web Flutter apps. Registration and Login users, logout users, and identify currently authenticated users across web.


To use this plugin, add auth0_flutter2 as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.


Add the Auth0 Javascript SPA (Single Page Application) library.

<script src="https://cdn.auth0.com/js/auth0-spa-js/1.13/auth0-spa-js.production.js"></script>


Import the library.

import 'package:auth0_flutter2/auth0_flutter2.dart';

Then initialize the Auth0FlutterWeb class in your main() method.

void main() {
  // add the auth0domain
  Auth0FlutterWeb.auth0Domain = "AUTH0_DOMAIN";
  //add the auth0ClientID
  Auth0FlutterWeb.auth0ClientId = "AUTH0_CLIENT_ID";
// add the redirect uri
  Auth0FlutterWeb.redirectUri = "YOUR_APP_REDIRECT_URI";

  // Set the URL strategy for our web app. Removes 
  // trailing hash(#) to ensure login callbacks
  // will be captured and processed correctly.

  runApp(const MyApp());

Then invoke the class methods anywhere in your Dart code.

Auth0FlutterWeb.instance.userAuthentication(screenHint: "signup");
Auth0FlutterWeb.instance.userAuthentication(screenHint: "login");