webAuthentication method

WebAuthentication webAuthentication({
  1. String? scheme,
  2. bool useCredentialsManager = true,

Creates an instance of WebAuthentication, the primary interface for interacting with the Auth0 Universal Login page.

Usage example:

final auth0 = Auth0('DOMAIN', 'CLIENT_ID');
final result = await auth0.webAuthentication().login();
final accessToken = result.accessToken;

By default, the credentials will be stored in the CredentialsManager. In case you want to opt-out of using the CredentialsManager, set useCredentialsManager to false. (Android only): specify scheme if you're using a custom URL scheme for your app. This value must match the value used to configure the auth0Scheme manifest placeholder, for the Redirect intent filter to work.


WebAuthentication webAuthentication(
        {final String? scheme, final bool useCredentialsManager = true}) =>
    WebAuthentication(_account, _userAgent, scheme,
        useCredentialsManager ? credentialsManager : null);