writeTag method

Future<bool?> writeTag({
  1. required String path,
  2. required String tagField,
  3. required String value,

Method to write ID3 tags to MP3 file.

path: The path of the file.

tagField: The name of the field you want to change (refer to documentation for their name, section "Map of tags").

value: Value of the field.

artwork: The file path of the song artwork.

version: The version of ID3 tag frame you want to write. By default set to ID3V2.

return: true if the operation has success, false instead.


Future<bool?> writeTag({
  required String path,
  required String tagField,
  required String value,
}) async {
  return await _channel.invokeMethod("writeTags", {
    "path": path,
    "tags": tagField != "artwork" ? <String, String>{tagField: value} : null,
    "artwork": tagField == "artwork" ? value : null,