doFft function
void doFft(List<int> fft, List<int> waveform) {
final int captureSize = waveform.length;
// Create workspace with half the capture size
final Int32List workspace = Int32List(captureSize >> 1);
int nonzero = 0;
// Process input waveform data into workspace
for (int i = 0; i < captureSize; i += 2) {
// Convert pairs of bytes to 32-bit integers
// Note: Using bitwise operations ensures 32-bit arithmetic
workspace[i >> 1] =
(((waveform[i] ^ 0x80) << 24) | ((waveform[i + 1] ^ 0x80) << 8));
nonzero |= workspace[i >> 1];
// Only perform FFT if we have non-zero data
if (nonzero != 0) {
fftReal(captureSize >> 1, workspace);
// Process workspace data into output FFT buffer
for (int i = 0; i < captureSize; i += 2) {
// Process real component
int tmp = int16(workspace[i >> 1] >> 21);
// Clamp to 8-bit range
while (tmp > 127 || tmp < -128) {
tmp >>= 1;
fft[i] = int16(tmp);
// Process imaginary component
tmp = int16(workspace[i >> 1]);
tmp >>= 5;
// Clamp to 8-bit range
while (tmp > 127 || tmp < -128) {
tmp >>= 1;
fft[i + 1] = int16(tmp);