js/media_session_web library
The interface to the Media Session API, navigator.mediaSession
Useful links:
- W3C specification https://w3c.github.io/mediasession/
- MDN documentation https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MediaSession/
- MediaSession
- The interface to the Media Session API which allows a web page to provide custom behaviors for standard media playback interactions, and to report metadata that can be sent by the user agent to the device or operating system for presentation in standardized user interface elements.
- MediaSessionActionDetails
- Specifies the type of action which needs to be performed as well as the data needed to perform the action.
- MediaSessionActions
- Actions that the user may perform in a media session.
- MediaSessionPlaybackState
- Media session playback state types.
- MediaSessionPositionState
- A representation of the current playback.
- MediaSessionActionHandler = dynamic Function(MediaSessionActionDetails)
- A callback signature for the MediaSession.setActionHandler.