getSlaInformation method

Future<PagedDTOSlaInformationDTO> getSlaInformation({
  1. required String issueIdOrKey,
  2. int? start,
  3. int? limit,

This method returns all the SLA records on a customer request. A customer request can have zero or more SLAs. Each SLA can have recordings for zero or more "completed cycles" and zero or 1 "ongoing cycle". Each cycle includes information on when it started and stopped, and whether it breached the SLA goal.

Permissions required: Agent for the Service Desk containing the queried customer request.


Future<PagedDTOSlaInformationDTO> getSlaInformation(
    {required String issueIdOrKey, int? start, int? limit}) async {
  return PagedDTOSlaInformationDTO.fromJson(await _client.send(
    pathParameters: {
      'issueIdOrKey': issueIdOrKey,
    queryParameters: {
      if (start != null) 'start': '$start',
      if (limit != null) 'limit': '$limit',