expand property

List<String> expand

Use expand to include additional information about issues in the response. Note that, unlike the majority of instances where expand is specified, expand is defined as a list of values. The expand options are:

  • renderedFields Returns field values rendered in HTML format.
  • names Returns the display name of each field.
  • schema Returns the schema describing a field type.
  • transitions Returns all possible transitions for the issue.
  • operations Returns all possible operations for the issue.
  • editmeta Returns information about how each field can be edited.
  • changelog Returns a list of recent updates to an issue, sorted by date, starting from the most recent.
  • versionedRepresentations Instead of fields, returns versionedRepresentations a JSON array containing each version of a field's value, with the highest numbered item representing the most recent version.


final List<String> expand;