exportArchivedIssues method

Enables admins to retrieve details of all archived issues. Upon a successful request, the admin who submitted it will receive an email with a link to download a CSV file with the issue details.

Note that this API only exports the values of system fields and archival-specific fields (ArchivedBy and ArchivedDate). Custom fields aren't supported.

Permissions required: Jira admin or site admin: global permission

License required: Premium or Enterprise

Signed-in users only: This API can't be accessed anonymously.

Rate limiting: Only a single request can be active at any given time.


Future<ExportArchivedIssuesTaskProgressResponse> exportArchivedIssues(
    {required ArchivedIssuesFilterRequest body}) async {
  return ExportArchivedIssuesTaskProgressResponse.fromJson(await _client.send(
    body: body.toJson(),