getCustomContentByTypeInPage method
Returns all custom content for a given type within a given page. The
number of results is limited by the limit
parameter and additional
results (if available)
will be available through the next
URL present in the Link
Permissions required: Permission to view the custom content, the container of the custom content (page), and the corresponding space.
Future<MultiEntityResult<CustomContentBulk>> getCustomContentByTypeInPage(
{required int id,
required String type,
String? sort,
String? cursor,
int? limit,
String? bodyFormat}) async {
return MultiEntityResult.fromJson(
await _client.send(
pathParameters: {
'id': '$id',
queryParameters: {
'type': type,
if (sort != null) 'sort': sort,
if (cursor != null) 'cursor': cursor,
if (limit != null) 'limit': '$limit',
if (bodyFormat != null) 'body-format': bodyFormat,
reviver: (v) => CustomContentBulk.fromJson(v as Map<String, Object?>),