service_management library
- AdditionalCommentDTO
- ApiClient
- ApprovalDecisionRequestDTO
- ApprovalDecisionRequestDTODecision
- ApprovalDTO
- ApprovalDTOFinalDecision
- ApproverDTO
- ApproverDTOApproverDecision
- ArticleDTO
- AssetsApi
- Public REST API for Jira Service Management
- AssetsWorkspaceDTO
- Details of an Assets workspace ID.
- AttachmentCreateDTO
- AttachmentCreateResultDTO
- AttachmentDTO
- AttachmentLinkDTO
- AvatarUrlsBean
- ChangeDetails
- A change item.
- Changelog
- A log of changes made to issue fields. Changelogs related to workflow associations are currently being deprecated.
- CommentCreateDTO
- CommentDTO
- ContentDTO
- CSATFeedbackFullDTO
- CustomerApi
- Public REST API for Jira Service Management
- CustomerCreateDTO
- CustomerRequestActionDTO
- CustomerRequestActionsDTO
- CustomerRequestCreateMetaDTO
- CustomerRequestDTO
- CustomerRequestFieldValueDTO
- CustomerRequestLinkDTO
- CustomerRequestStatusDTO
- CustomerRequestStatusDTOStatusCategory
- CustomerTransitionDTO
- CustomerTransitionExecutionDTO
- DateDTO
- DurationDTO
- EntityProperty
- An entity property, for more information see Entity properties.
- ErrorResponse
- Expandable
- FieldMetadata
- The metadata describing an issue field.
- Form
- FormAnswer
- HistoryMetadata
- Details of issue history metadata.
- HistoryMetadataParticipant
- Details of user or system associated with a issue history metadata item.
- I18nErrorMessage
- IncludedFields
- InfoApi
- Public REST API for Jira Service Management
- InsightWorkspaceDTO
- Details of an insight workspace ID.
- IssueBean
- Details about an issue.
- IssueTransition
- Details of an issue transition.
- IssueUpdateMetadata
- A list of editable field details.
- JsonNode
- JsonNodeNumberType
- JsonTypeBean
- The schema of a field.
- KnowledgebaseApi
- Public REST API for Jira Service Management
- Linkable
- LinkableAttachmentLinkDTO
- LinkableCustomerRequestLinkDTO
- LinkableUserLinkDTO
- LinkGroup
- Details a link group, which defines issue operations.
- MultipartFile
A file to be uploaded as part of a
. - Operations
- Details of the operations that can be performed on the issue.
- OrganizationApi
- Public REST API for Jira Service Management
- OrganizationCreateDTO
- OrganizationDTO
- OrganizationServiceDeskUpdateDTO
- PagedDTOApprovalDTO
- PagedDTOArticleDTO
- PagedDTOAssetsWorkspaceDTO
- PagedDTOAttachmentDTO
- PagedDTOCommentDTO
- PagedDTOCustomerRequestDTO
- PagedDTOCustomerRequestStatusDTO
- PagedDTOCustomerTransitionDTO
- PagedDTOInsightWorkspaceDTO
- PagedDTOIssueBean
- PagedDTOOrganizationDTO
- PagedDTOQueueDTO
- PagedDTORequestTypeDTO
- PagedDTORequestTypeGroupDTO
- PagedDTOServiceDeskDTO
- PagedDTOSlaInformationDTO
- PagedDTOUserDTO
- PagedLinkDTO
- PageOfChangelogs
- A page of changelogs.
- PropertyKey
- Property key details.
- PropertyKeys
- List of property keys.
- QueueDTO
- RenderedValueDTO
- RequestApi
- Public REST API for Jira Service Management
- RequestCreateDTO
- RequestNotificationSubscriptionDTO
- RequestParticipantUpdateDTO
- RequesttypeApi
- Public REST API for Jira Service Management
- RequestTypeCreateDTO
- RequestTypeDTO
- RequestTypeFieldDTO
- RequestTypeFieldValueDTO
- RequestTypeGroupDTO
- RequestTypeIconDTO
- RequestTypeIconLinkDTO
- SelfLinkDTO
- ServicedeskApi
- Public REST API for Jira Service Management
- ServiceDeskCustomerDTO
- ServiceDeskDTO
- ServiceManagementApi
- SimpleLink
- Details about the operations available in this version.
- SlaInformationCompletedCycleDTO
- SlaInformationDTO
- SlaInformationOngoingCycleDTO
- SoftwareInfoDTO
- SourceDTO
- SourceDTOType
- StatusCategory
- A status category.
- StatusDetails
- A status.
- TemporaryAttachment
- TemporaryAttachments
- UserDetails
- User details permitted by the user's Atlassian Account privacy settings. However, be aware of these exceptions:
- UserDTO
- UserLinkDTO
- UsersOrganizationUpdateDTO