remoteLinks property

RemoteLinksApi remoteLinks

APIs related to integrating Remote Links data with Jira Software. These APIs are available to Atlassian Connect apps. To use these APIs you must have the Remote Link module in your app's descriptor. Read more about Jira Software modules here.


The Remote Link module allows third-party providers to add a generic link through a public REST API and associate it with Jira issues or services.

Supplied remote link information will be presented in the right sidebar of the new Jira issue view under Releases.

This module also provides actions, which allows users to perform an action on the remote link.

Note that the module key and name are not private and should therefore not contain any sensitive or personally identifiable information.

Example Module

An example can also be found at jira-data-provider-sample-addon, which has an atlassian-connect.json.

  "modules": {
    "jiraRemoteLinkInfoProvider": {
      "homeUrl": "",
      "logoUrl": "",
      "actions": [
          "actionId": "action-1",
          "actionLabel": {
            "value": {
              "value": "Acknowledge"
          "templateUrl": "{ack-id}"
      "name": {
        "value": "My Remote Link Provider"
      "key": "remotelink-integration"


| Property | type | Description

                           | Required |

|------------------|---------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------| | key | string | A key to identify this module. Must match ^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$ pattern, with a max length of 100 | Yes | | name | object (i18N) | A human readable name. This object supports internationalization. | Yes | | homeUrl | string | URL to the provider’s homepage

                           | Yes      |

| logoUrl | string | Optional URL to the provider’s logo, which will be displayed in the UI | | | documentationUrl | string | Optional URL to documentation about the provider’s Jira integration | | | actions | object | Optional actions that can be performed by Jira users on the remote link

Actions object

| Property | type | Description

                                 | Required |

|-------------|--------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------| | actionId | string | A key to identify a specific action. Used for associating a specific Remote link to an action of this ID. The actionId of an action must be unique across all actions. | Yes | | actionLabel | object | The actionLabel of an Action is shown visibly to the User alongside the Remote Link.

                                  | Yes      |

| templateUrl | string | The templateUrl of an Action is a template where strings can be substituted into the URL for a specific Remote Link. Strings used in the templateUrl must be passed in via an attribute map when associating an action with a remote link. | Yes |

ActionLabel Object

| Property | type | Description

                       | Required |

|----------|---------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------| | value | object (i18n) | The label shown on the UI. This object supports internationalization. | Yes |


late final remoteLinks = RemoteLinksApi(_client);