getWorkflowTransitionRuleConfigurations method

Future<PageBeanWorkflowTransitionRules> getWorkflowTransitionRuleConfigurations({
  1. int? startAt,
  2. int? maxResults,
  3. required List<String> types,
  4. List<String>? keys,
  5. List<String>? workflowNames,
  6. List<String>? withTags,
  7. bool? draft,
  8. String? expand,

Returns a paginated list of workflows with transition rules. The workflows can be filtered to return only those containing workflow transition rules:

  • of one or more transition rule types, such as workflow post functions.
  • matching one or more transition rule keys.

Only workflows containing transition rules created by the calling Connect or Forge app are returned.

Due to server-side optimizations, workflows with an empty list of rules may be returned; these workflows can be ignored.

Permissions required: Only Connect or Forge apps can use this operation.


        {int? startAt,
        int? maxResults,
        required List<String> types,
        List<String>? keys,
        List<String>? workflowNames,
        List<String>? withTags,
        bool? draft,
        String? expand}) async {
  return PageBeanWorkflowTransitionRules.fromJson(await _client.send(
    queryParameters: {
      if (startAt != null) 'startAt': '$startAt',
      if (maxResults != null) 'maxResults': '$maxResults',
      'types': => e).join(','),
      if (keys != null) 'keys': => e).join(','),
      if (workflowNames != null)
        'workflowNames': => e).join(','),
      if (withTags != null) 'withTags': => e).join(','),
      if (draft != null) 'draft': '$draft',
      if (expand != null) 'expand': expand,