getComment method

Future<Comment> getComment({
  1. required String issueIdOrKey,
  2. required String id,
  3. String? expand,

Returns a comment.

This operation can be accessed anonymously.

Permissions required:

  • Browse projects project permission for the project containing the comment.
  • If issue-level security is configured, issue-level security permission to view the issue.
  • If the comment has visibility restrictions, the user belongs to the group or has the role visibility is restricted to.


Future<Comment> getComment(
    {required String issueIdOrKey,
    required String id,
    String? expand}) async {
  return Comment.fromJson(await _client.send(
    pathParameters: {
      'issueIdOrKey': issueIdOrKey,
      'id': id,
    queryParameters: {
      if (expand != null) 'expand': expand,