linkIssues method

Future linkIssues({
  1. required LinkIssueRequestJsonBean body,

Creates a link between two issues. Use this operation to indicate a relationship between two issues and optionally add a comment to the from (outward) issue. To use this resource the site must have Issue Linking enabled.

This resource returns nothing on the creation of an issue link. To obtain the ID of the issue link, use[linked issue key]?fields=issuelinks.

If the link request duplicates a link, the response indicates that the issue link was created. If the request included a comment, the comment is added.

This operation can be accessed anonymously.

Permissions required:

  • Browse project project permission for all the projects containing the issues to be linked,
  • Link issues project permission on the project containing the from (outward) issue,
  • If issue-level security is configured, issue-level security permission to view the issue.
  • If the comment has visibility restrictions, belongs to the group or has the role visibility is restricted to.


Future<dynamic> linkIssues({required LinkIssueRequestJsonBean body}) async {
  return await _client.send(
    body: body.toJson(),