validateTTL static method

int validateTTL(
  1. String? ttl

Accepts a string which represents the MillisecondsSinceEpoch Returns ttlMs which is time_to_live in MilliSecondsSinceEpoch Method ensures ttl has a valid value


static int validateTTL(String? ttl) {
  int ttlMs = 0;
  if (ttl == null || ttl.trim().isEmpty) {
    return ttlMs;
  try {
    ttlMs = int.parse(ttl);
  } on FormatException {
    throw InvalidSyntaxException(
        'Valid value for TTL should be greater than or equal to 0');
  // TTL cannot have a negative value.
  if (ttlMs < 0) {
    throw InvalidSyntaxException(
        'Valid value for TTL should be greater than or equal to 0');
  return ttlMs;