authenticate method

Future<bool> authenticate(
  1. String? privateKey

Generates digest using from verb response and privateKey and performs a PKAM authentication to secondary server. This method is executed for all verbs that requires authentication.


Future<bool> authenticate(String? privateKey) async {
  if (privateKey == null) {
    throw UnAuthenticatedException('Private key not passed');
  await _sendCommand('from:$_currentAtSign\n');
  var fromResponse = await (;
  logger.finer('from result:$fromResponse');
  if (fromResponse == null) {
    return false;
  fromResponse = fromResponse.trim().replaceAll('data:', '');
  logger.finer('fromResponse $fromResponse');
  var key = RSAPrivateKey.fromString(privateKey);
  var sha256signature =
      key.createSHA256Signature(utf8.encode(fromResponse) as Uint8List);
  var signature = base64Encode(sha256signature);
  logger.finer('Sending command pkam:$signature');
  await _sendCommand('pkam:$signature\n');
  var pkamResponse = await;
  if (pkamResponse == 'data:success') {'auth success');
    _isPkamAuthenticated = true;
  } else {
    throw UnAuthenticatedException('Auth failed');
  return _isPkamAuthenticated;