showLocation function

Widget showLocation(
  1. Key? key,
  2. MapController? mapController, {
  3. LatLng? location,
  4. List<LatLng>? locationList,
  5. Widget? locationListMarker,

A widget defined to show zero or one or a list of geo co-ordinates with custom marker.

location Co-ordinate on which marker needs to be shown.

locationList List of Co-ordinates on which markers needs to be shown.

locationListMarker Custom widget displayed as the marker.


Widget showLocation(Key? key, MapController? mapController,
    {LatLng? location,
    List<LatLng>? locationList,
    Widget? locationListMarker}) {
  bool showMarker;
  Marker marker;
  List<Marker>? markerList;

  /// init
  showMarker = true;
  print('widget.location $location');
  if (location != null) {
    marker = buildMarker(HybridModel(latLng: location), singleMarker: true);
    if (mapController != null) {
      mapController.move(location, 8);
  } else {
    marker =
        buildMarker(HybridModel(latLng: LatLng(45, 45)), singleMarker: true);
    showMarker = false;

  if (locationList != null) {
    markerList = [];
    locationList.forEach((location) {
      var marker = buildMarker(HybridModel(latLng: location),
          singleMarker: true, marker: locationListMarker);


  return SafeArea(
    child: Scaffold(
        body: FlutterMap(
      key: key,
      mapController: mapController ?? MapController(),
      options: MapOptions(
        center: markerList != null
            ? markerList[0].point
            : (location != null)
                ? location
                : LatLng(45, 45),
        zoom: markerList != null
            ? 5
            : (location != null)
                ? 15
                : 4,
        plugins: [MarkerClusterPlugin(UniqueKey())],
      layers: [
          minNativeZoom: 2,
          maxNativeZoom: 18,
          minZoom: 1,
          maxClusterRadius: 190,
          disableClusteringAtZoom: 16,
          size: Size(5, 5),
          anchor: AnchorPos.align(,
          fitBoundsOptions: FitBoundsOptions(
            padding: EdgeInsets.all(50),
              // ignore: prefer_if_null_operators
              markerList != null ? markerList : (showMarker ? [marker] : []),
          builder: (context, markers) {
            return buildMarkerCluster(markers);