changeListPublicStatus method

Future<bool> changeListPublicStatus(
  1. bool isFollowing,
  2. bool isPrivate

Returns true on changing the status of the list to isPrivate.


Future<bool> changeListPublicStatus(bool isFollowing, bool isPrivate) async {
      ? following.isPrivate = isPrivate
      : followers.isPrivate = isPrivate;
  var atFollowsValue = AtFollowsValue()
    ..atKey = _formKey(isFollowing: isFollowing);
  bool result = await this._sdkService.delete(
      isFollowing ? following.getKey!.atKey : followers.getKey!.atKey);
      ? following.setKey = atFollowsValue
      : followers.setKey = atFollowsValue;
  String value = isFollowing ? following.toString() : followers.toString();
  result = await this._sdkService.put(atFollowsValue.atKey, value);
  await _sdkService.sync();
  return result;