EventKeyStreamService class




allEventNotifications List<EventKeyLocationModel>
getter/setter pair
allPastEventNotifications List<EventKeyLocationModel>
getter/setter pair
atClientManager ↔ AtClientManager
getter/setter pair
atContactImpl ↔ AtContactsImpl?
getter/setter pair
atNotificationsController StreamController
streamController for AT notifications
getter/setter pair
atNotificationsSink StreamSink<List<EventKeyLocationModel>>
no setter
atNotificationsStream Stream<List<EventKeyLocationModel>>
no setter
contactList List<AtContact>
getter/setter pair
currentAtSign String?
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
loggedInUserDetails ↔ AtContact?
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
streamAlternative ↔ dynamic Function(List<EventKeyLocationModel>)?
getter/setter pair


actionOnEvent(EventNotificationModel event, ATKEY_TYPE_ENUM keyType, {required bool isAccepted, required bool isSharing, required bool isExited, bool? isCancelled}) Future<bool>
Processes any kind of update in an event and notifies creator/members
addDataToList(EventNotificationModel eventNotificationModel, {String? receivedkey}) Future
Adds new EventKeyLocationModel data for new received notification
calculateLocationSharingAllEvents({List<EventKeyLocationModel>? listOfEvents, bool initLocationSharing = false}) → dynamic
will calculate LocationDataModel for allEventNotifications if listOfEvents is not provided
calculateLocationSharingForSingleEvent(EventNotificationModel eventData) → dynamic
will calculate LocationDataModel for eventData
checkForPendingEvents() Future<void>
Updates any received notification with haveResponded true, if already responded.
checkLocationSharingForEventData(EventNotificationModel eventNotificationModel) Future<void>
Checks current status of currentAtSign in an event and updates SendLocationNotification location sending list.
compareEvents(EventNotificationModel eventOne, EventNotificationModel eventTwo) bool
checks if eventOne & eventTwo have same tags for group members.
deleteData(EventNotificationModel _eventNotificationModel) → dynamic
deletes _eventNotificationModel if found
eventNotificationToLocationDataModel(EventNotificationModel eventData, List<String> atsignList) List<LocationDataModel>
converts eventData to LocationDataModel for all atsignList
filterPastEventsFromList() → void
Removes past notifications and notification where data is null.
formAtKey(ATKEY_TYPE_ENUM keyType, String atkeyMicrosecondId, String? sharedWith, String sharedBy, EventNotificationModel eventData) → AtKey?
forms and returns an AtKey object based on the given keyType, atkeyMicrosecondId, sharedWith, sharedBy, and eventData
getAllContactDetails(String currentAtSign) → void
retrieves all contact details for the given currentAtSign
getAllEventNotifications() → void
adds all 'createevent' notifications to atNotificationsSink
getAtsignsFromEvent(EventNotificationModel _event) List<String>
return all atsigns in an event except the logged in user.
getAtValue(AtKey key) Future
returns AtValue of key if present.
getFromAndToForEvent(EventNotificationModel eventData) Map<String, DateTime>
return from and to for eventData
getUpdatedEventData(EventNotificationModel originalEvent, EventNotificationModel ackEvent) EventNotificationModel
init({dynamic streamAlternative(List<EventKeyLocationModel>)?}) → void
initializes with necessary values and configurations
isEventSharedWithMe(EventNotificationModel eventData) bool
if eventData is already present in allEventNotifications.
isPastNotification(EventNotificationModel eventNotificationModel) → dynamic
returns true if eventNotificationModel is a past event
mapUpdatedEventDataToWidget(EventNotificationModel eventData, {Map? tags, String? tagOfAtsign, bool updateLatLng = false, bool updateOnlyCreator = false}) Future<void>
Updates any EventKeyLocationModel data for updated data
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
notifyListeners() → void
updates listeners
removeData(String? key) → void
Removes a notification from list
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateEventMemberInfo(EventNotificationModel _event, {required bool isAccepted, required bool isSharing, required bool isExited}) → dynamic
updates SendLocationNotification().allAtsignsLocationData for the _event.
updateLocationDataForExistingEvent(EventNotificationModel eventData) → dynamic
updates eventData in SendLocationNotification().allAtsignsLocationData
updatePendingStatus(EventNotificationModel notificationModel) → void
updates haveResponded property for notificationModel.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.