GroupService class




allContacts List<GroupContactsModel?>
getter/setter pair
allContactsSink StreamSink<List<GroupContactsModel?>>
no setter
allContactsStream Stream<List<GroupContactsModel?>>
no setter
atClientInstance ↔ AtClientImpl?
getter/setter pair
atContactImpl ↔ AtContactsImpl
getter/setter pair
atGroupSink StreamSink<List<AtGroup>>
no setter
atGroupStream Stream<List<AtGroup>>
no setter
currentAtsign String?
no setter
currentSelectedGroup → AtGroup?
no setter
groupViewSink StreamSink<AtGroup>
no setter
groupViewStream Stream<AtGroup>
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
length int
getter/setter pair
rootDomain String?
getter/setter pair
rootPort int?
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
selecteContactList List<AtContact?>?
getter/setter pair
selectedContactList List<AtContact?>?
no setter
selectedContactsSink StreamSink<List<GroupContactsModel?>>
no setter
selectedContactsStream Stream<List<GroupContactsModel?>>
no setter
selectedGroup ↔ AtGroup?
getter/setter pair
selectedGroupContacts List<GroupContactsModel?>
getter/setter pair
showLoader bool?
getter/setter pair
showLoaderSink StreamSink<bool>
no setter
showLoaderStream Stream<bool>
no setter


addGroupContact(GroupContactsModel? item) → dynamic
addGroupMembers(List<AtContact?> contacts, AtGroup group) Future
createGroup(AtGroup atGroup) Future
deleteGroup(AtGroup group) Future<bool?>
deletGroupMembers(List<AtContact> contacts, AtGroup group) Future
dispose() → void
fetchGroupsAndContacts() → dynamic
getAllGroupsDetails() → dynamic
getGroupDetail(String groupId) Future<AtGroup?>
init(AtClientImpl atClientImpl, String atSign, String rootDomainFromApp, int rootPortFromApp) → dynamic
listAllGroupNames() → dynamic
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
removeGroupContact(GroupContactsModel? item) → dynamic
resetData() → void
setSelectedContacts(List<AtContact?>? list) → dynamic
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateGroup(AtGroup group) Future
updateGroupData(AtGroup group, BuildContext context) Future
updateGroupStreams(AtGroup group) → dynamic


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.