getContactDetails method
Function to get firstname, lastname and profile picture of an atsign
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getContactDetails(
String? atSign, String? nickName) async {
var contactDetails = <String, dynamic>{};
if (atClientManager.atClient.getCurrentAtSign() == null || atSign == null) {
return contactDetails;
} else if (!atSign.contains('@')) {
atSign = '@$atSign';
var metadata = Metadata();
metadata.isPublic = true;
metadata.namespaceAware = false;
var key = AtKey();
key.sharedBy = atSign;
key.metadata = metadata;
List contactFields = TextStrings().contactFields;
String? firstname;
String? lastname;
try {
// firstname
key.key = contactFields[0];
var result = await atClientManager.atClient.get(key);
if (result.value != null) {
firstname = result.value;
} catch (e) {
print("error in getting firstname: $e");
try {
// lastname
metadata.isPublic = true;
metadata.namespaceAware = false;
key.sharedBy = atSign;
key.metadata = metadata;
// making isPublic true (as get method changes it to false)
key.key = contactFields[1];
var result = await atClientManager.atClient.get(key);
if (result.value != null) {
lastname = result.value;
} catch (e) {
print("error in getting lastname: $e");
if (firstname == null && lastname == null) {
contactDetails['name'] = null;
} else {
// construct name
var name = ('${firstname ?? ''} ${lastname ?? ''}').trim();
if (name.isEmpty) {
name = atSign.substring(1);
contactDetails['name'] = name;
try {
// profile picture
metadata.isPublic = true;
metadata.namespaceAware = false;
key.sharedBy = atSign;
key.metadata = metadata;
// making isPublic true (as get method changes it to false)
key.metadata.isBinary = true;
key.key = contactFields[2];
Uint8List? image;
GetRequestOptions options = GetRequestOptions();
options.bypassCache = true;
var result =
await atClientManager.atClient.get(key, getRequestOptions: options);
if (result.value != null) {
try {
List<int> intList = result.value.cast<int>();
image = Uint8List.fromList(intList);
} catch (e) {
print('invalid iamge data: $e');
contactDetails['image'] = image;
} catch (e) {
print("error in getting image: $e");
contactDetails['image'] = null;
contactDetails['nickname'] = nickName != '' ? nickName : null;
return contactDetails;