validateKey method

void validateKey()

Validates the AtKey

Throws InvalidAtKeyException when the following conditions are met

  • When metadata.isCached is set to true on a local key

  • When metadata.isPublic is set to true on a local key

  • When sharedWith is populated on a local key

  • When metadata.isPublic is set to true on a shared key

  • When AtKey.key is set to null or empty

  • When AtKey.key contains @ or : characters


void validateKey() {
  if (atKeyObj.metadata?.isCached == true && atKeyObj.isLocal == true) {
    throw InvalidAtKeyException('Cached key cannot be a local key');
  if (atKeyObj.isLocal == true &&
      (atKeyObj.metadata?.isPublic == true ||
          atKeyObj.sharedWith.isNotNullOrEmpty)) {
    throw InvalidAtKeyException(
        'When isLocal is set to true, cannot set isPublic to true or set a non-null sharedWith');
  if (atKeyObj.metadata?.isPublic == true &&
      atKeyObj.sharedWith.isNotNullOrEmpty) {
    throw InvalidAtKeyException(
        'When isPublic is set to true, sharedWith cannot be populated');
  if (atKeyObj.key.isNullOrEmpty) {
    throw InvalidAtKeyException('Key cannot be null or empty');