AtClientImpl class

Implementation of AtClient interface and AtSignChangeListener interface

Implements to AtSignChangeListener to get notified on switch atSign event. On switch atSign event, pause's the compaction job on currentAtSign and start/resume the compaction job on the new atSign

Implemented types


atChops ↔ AtChops?
Set an instance of AtChops for data encryption and signing operations
getter/setter pairoverride
atClientCommitLogCompaction → AtClientCommitLogCompaction?
no setter
encryptionService → EncryptionService?
no setteroverride
enrollmentId String?
getter/setter pairoverride
enrollmentService EnrollmentService?
getter/setter pairoverride
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
notificationService NotificationService
getter/setter pairoverride
preference AtClientPreference?
no setter
putRequestTransformer ↔ PutRequestTransformer
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
syncService SyncService
getter/setter pairoverride
telemetry AtTelemetryService?
getter/setter pairoverride


delete(AtKey atKey, {bool isDedicated = false, DeleteRequestOptions? deleteRequestOptions}) Future<bool>
Delete the key from user's local secondary and syncs the delete to cloud secondary if client's sync preference is immediate. By default namespace that is used to create the AtClient instance will be appended to the key. phone@alice translates to phone.persona@alice where 'persona' is the namespace. If you want to ignoring the namespace set AtKey.metadata.namespaceAware to false.
downloadFile(String transferId, String sharedByAtSign, {String? downloadPath}) Future<List<File>>
Downloads the list of files for a given transferId shared by sharedByAtSign Optionally you can pass downloadPath to download the files.
ensureLowerCase(AtKey atKey) → dynamic
get(AtKey atKey, {bool isDedicated = false, GetRequestOptions? getRequestOptions}) Future<AtValue>
Get the value of AtKey.key from user's cloud secondary if AtKey.sharedBy is set. Otherwise looks up the key from local secondary. If the key was stored with public access, set AtKey.metadata.isPublic to true. If the key was shared with another atSign set AtKey.sharedWith
getAtKeys({String? regex, String? sharedBy, String? sharedWith, bool showHiddenKeys = false}) Future<List<AtKey>>
Get all the keys stored in user's secondary in AtKey format. If regex is specified only matching keys are returned. If sharedBy is specified, then gets the keys from sharedBy user shared with current atClient user. If sharedWith is specified, then gets the keys shared to sharedWith user from the current atClient user.
getCurrentAtSign() String?
Note - this method name is misleading as 'current' implies the atSign could change - but an AtClient should only ever have one atSign.
getKeys({String? regex, String? sharedBy, String? sharedWith, bool showHiddenKeys = false}) Future<List<String>>
Get all the keys stored in user's secondary in string format. If regex is specified only matching keys are returned. If sharedBy is specified, then gets the keys from sharedBy user shared with current atClient user. If sharedWith is specified, then gets the keys shared to sharedWith user from the current atClient user.
getLocalSecondary() LocalSecondary?
getMeta(AtKey atKey, {bool isDedicated = false}) Future<Metadata?>
Gets the metadata of AtKey.key
getOperation(dynamic value, Metadata? data) String?
getOTP() Future<AtResponse>
Returns an OTP (One-Time Password) from the secondary server.
getPreferences() AtClientPreference?
getPrivateKey(String atSign) Future<String?>
getRemoteSecondary() RemoteSecondary?
Returns a RemoteSecondary to communicate with user's cloud secondary server.
getSecondary() → Secondary
getSyncManager() → SyncManager?
Returns a singleton instance of SyncManager that is responsible for syncing data between local secondary server and remote secondary server. Deprecated Use AtClient.syncService
listenToAtSignChange(SwitchAtSignEvent switchAtSignEvent) → void
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
notify(AtKey atKey, String value, OperationEnum operation, {MessageTypeEnum? messageType, PriorityEnum? priority, StrategyEnum? strategy, int? latestN, String? notifier = AtConstants.system, bool isDedicated = false}) Future<bool>
Notifies the AtKey with the sharedWith user of the atsign. Optionally, operation, value and metadata can be set along with key to notify.
notifyAll(AtKey atKey, String value, OperationEnum operation, {bool isDedicated = false}) Future<String>
Notifies the AtKey with the list of sharedWith user's of the atsign. Optionally, operation, value and metadata can be set along with the key to notify.
notifyChange(NotificationParams notificationParams) Future<String?>
Deprecated Use NotificationService.notify
notifyList({String? fromDate, String? toDate, String? regex, bool isDedicated = false}) Future<String>
Returns the list of received notifications of an atsign, Optionally, notifications can be filtered on from date, to date and regular expression
notifyStatus(String notificationId) Future<String>
Returns the status of the notification
persistPrivateKey(String privateKey) Future<bool>
persistPublicKey(String publicKey) Future<bool>
put(AtKey atKey, dynamic value, {bool isDedicated = false, PutRequestOptions? putRequestOptions}) Future<bool>
Updates value of AtKey.key is if it is already present. Otherwise creates a new key. Set AtKey.sharedWith if the key has to be shared with another atSign. Set AtKey.metadata.isBinary if you are updating binary value e.g image,file. By default namespace that is used to create the AtClient instance will be appended to the key. phone@alice will be saved as phone.persona@alice where 'persona' is the namespace. If you want to save by ignoring the namespace set AtKey.metadata.namespaceAware to false. Additional metadata can be set using AtKey.metadata
putBinary(AtKey atKey, List<int> value, {PutRequestOptions? putRequestOptions}) Future<AtResponse>
put's the binary data(e.g. images, files etc) into the keystore
putMeta(AtKey atKey) Future<bool>
Updates the metadata of AtKey.key if it is already present. Otherwise creates a new key without a value. By default namespace that is used to create the AtClient instance will be appended to the key. phone@alice will be saved as phone.persona@alice where 'persona' is the namespace. If you want to save by ignoring the namespace set AtKey.metadata.namespaceAware to false.
putText(AtKey atKey, String value, {PutRequestOptions? putRequestOptions}) Future<AtResponse>
put's the text data into the keystore
reuploadFiles(List<File> files, FileTransferObject fileTransferObject) Future<List<FileStatus>>
re uploads file in fileTransferObject.fileUrl returns list of FileStatus which contains upload status of each file.
sendStreamAck(String streamId, String fileName, int fileLength, String senderAtSign, Function streamCompletionCallBack, Function streamReceiveCallBack) Future<void>
Sends stream acknowledgement
setPreferences(AtClientPreference preference) → void
Sets the preferences such as sync strategy, storage path etc., for the client.
setSPP(String spp) Future<AtResponse>
Sets a Semi Permanent Passcode(SPP) in the secondary server key-store. A Semi Permanent Passcode (SPP) is 6 character alpha-numeric for submitting an enrollment request. Only the connections which have access to manage namespace are allowed to set SPP
shareFiles(List<String> sharedWithAtSigns, String key, String fileUrl, String encryptionKey, List<FileStatus> fileStatus, {DateTime? date}) Future<Map<String, FileTransferObject>>
re sends file notifications to sharedWithAtSigns returns Map<String, FileTransferObject> which contains transfer status for each atsign.
startCompactionJob({Duration? commitLogCompactionDuration}) Future<void>
Initiates a compaction job for the commit log.
startMonitor(String privateKey, Function? notificationCallback, {String? regex}) Future<void>
Deprecated Use AtClient.notificationService
stopCompactionJob() Future<void>
Stops the commit log compaction job
stream(String sharedWith, String filePath, {String? namespace}) Future<AtStreamResponse>
Streams the file in filePath to sharedWith atSign.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
uploadFile(List<File> files, List<String> sharedWithAtSigns) Future<Map<String, FileTransferObject>>
Uploads list of files to filebin and shares the file download url with sharedWithAtSigns returns map containing key of each sharedWithAtSign and value of FileTransferObject


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

atClientInstanceMap Map
upperCaseRegex RegExp

Static Methods

create(String currentAtSign, String? namespace, AtClientPreference preferences, {AtClientManager? atClientManager, RemoteSecondary? remoteSecondary, EncryptionService? encryptionService, SecondaryKeyStore? localSecondaryKeyStore, AtChops? atChops, AtClientCommitLogCompaction? atClientCommitLogCompaction, AtClientConfig? atClientConfig, String? enrollmentId}) Future<AtClient>