uploadFile method

  1. @override
Future<Map<String, FileTransferObject>> uploadFile(
  1. List<File> files,
  2. List<String> sharedWithAtSigns

Uploads list of files to filebin and shares the file download url with sharedWithAtSigns returns map containing key of each sharedWithAtSign and value of FileTransferObject


Future<Map<String, FileTransferObject>> uploadFile(
    List<File> files, List<String> sharedWithAtSigns) async {
  var encryptionKey = _encryptionService!.generateFileEncryptionKey();
  var key = TextConstants.FILE_TRANSFER_KEY + Uuid().v4();
  var fileStatus = await _uploadFiles(key, files, encryptionKey);
  var fileUrl = TextConstants.FILEBIN_URL + 'archive/' + key + '/zip';
  return shareFiles(
      sharedWithAtSigns, key, fileUrl, encryptionKey, fileStatus);