notifyAll method

  1. @override
Future<String> notifyAll(
  1. AtKey atKey,
  2. String value,
  3. OperationEnum operation, {
  4. bool isDedicated = false,

Notifies the AtKey with the list of sharedWith user's of the atsign. Optionally, operation, value and metadata can be set along with the key to notify.

e.g alice is the current atsign
notify:all:update:@bob,@colin:phone@alice:+1 999 9999
  var key = AtKey()..key='phone'
            ..sharedWith= json.encode(['@bob',@colin])
  var value='+1 999 9999'
  var operation=OperationEnum.update
  notify(key, value, operation);
notify:update:ttl:60000:ttb:30000:@bob,@colin:phone@alice:+1 999 9999
  var metaData = Metadata()..ttl='60000'
  var key = AtKey()..key='phone'
            ..sharedWith= json.encode(['@bob',@colin])
  var value='+1 999 9999'
  var operation=OperationEnum.update
  notify(key, value, operation);


Future<String> notifyAll(AtKey atKey, String value, OperationEnum operation,
    {bool isDedicated = false}) async {
  var returnMap = {};
  var sharedWithList = jsonDecode(atKey.sharedWith!);
  for (var sharedWith in sharedWithList) {
    atKey.sharedWith = sharedWith;
    var result =
        await notify(atKey, value, operation, isDedicated: isDedicated);
    returnMap.putIfAbsent(sharedWith, () => result);
  return jsonEncode(returnMap);