fetch abstract method

Future<AtNotification> fetch(
  1. String notificationId

Returns the AtNotification of the given notificationId


To fetch a notification with id: abc-123

var notificationService = AtClientManager.getInstance().notificationService;
var atNotification = await notificationService.fetch('abc-123');

Returns NotificationStatus.delivered when notification exist in the key-store

 AtNotification{id: abc-123, key: @bob:phone.wavi@alice,
 from: @alice, to: @bob, epochMillis: 1666268427030, value: "+1 887 887 7876",
 operation: OperationType.update, status: NotificationStatus.delivered}

Returns NotificationStatus.expired when

  • Notification id does not exist
  • Notification is expired / delete
 AtNotification{id: abc-123, status: NotificationStatus.expired}

Throws AtClientException when server is not reachable or server timeout's to respond


Future<AtNotification> fetch(String notificationId);