putMeta abstract method

Future<bool> putMeta(
  1. AtKey key

Updates the metadata of AtKey.key if it is already present. Otherwise creates a new key without a value. By default namespace that is used to create the AtClient instance will be appended to the key. phone@alice will be saved as phone.persona@alice where 'persona' is the namespace. If you want to save by ignoring the namespace set AtKey.metadata.namespaceAware to false.

  var metaData = Metadata()..ttl = 60000
  var key = AtKey()..key='phone'
  var metaData = Metadata()..ttr = '120000'
                           ..ccd = true
  var key = AtKey()..key='phone'

If you want to set both value and metadata please use put


Future<bool> putMeta(AtKey key);