asyncRetry<R> function

FutureOr<R?> asyncRetry<R>(
  1. FutureOr<R?> tryBlock(), {
  2. R? defaultValue,
  3. bool throwOnRetryExhaustion = false,
  4. int maxRetries = 3,
  5. Duration? retryDelay,
  6. Duration? computeDelay(
    1. int retry
  7. bool? onError(
    1. Object error,
    2. StackTrace stackTrace,
    3. int retries

Executes an asynchronous operation with retry logic.

Retries the tryBlock function up to maxRetries times if it throws an error, with customizable delay and error handling.


  • tryBlock: The operation to execute. Retries if it throws an error.
  • defaultValue: Value to return if retries are exhausted and throwOnRetryExhaustion is false. Defaults to null.
  • throwOnRetryExhaustion: If true, rethrows the last error when retries are exhausted. Defaults to false, which returns defaultValue instead.
  • maxRetries: Maximum number of retry attempts. Defaults to 3.
  • retryDelay: Fixed delay between retries. Defaults to 1ms. Overridden by computeDelay if provided.
  • computeDelay: Computes a custom delay for each retry based on the retry count.
  • onError: Callback to handle errors during retries. Receives:
    • error: The exception thrown by tryBlock.
    • stackTrace: The stack trace associated with the error.
    • retries: The number of retry attempts already made (starting at 0). If onError returns false, stops retrying immediately.


A FutureOr<R?> with the result of tryBlock if successful. If retries are exhausted:

  • Returns defaultValue if throwOnRetryExhaustion is false.
  • Rethrows the last error if throwOnRetryExhaustion is true.


// Some network request:
Future<String?> fetchData() async {
  throw Exception('Network error');

Future<void> main() async {
  var result = await asyncRetry<String?>(
    () => fetchData(),
    defaultValue: 'Fallback value',  // Return this if retries are exhausted and throwOnRetryExhaustion is false.
    maxRetries: 5,                   // Retry up to 5 times before giving up.
    retryDelay: Duration(seconds: 2), // 2 seconds delay between retries.
    throwOnRetryExhaustion: true,     // Rethrow the last error if all retries fail.
    onError: (error, stackTrace, retries) {
      print('Attempt failed (retries: $retries): $error');
      return null; // Continue retrying based on maxRetries without modifying retry behavior.
      // If returns `false`, retries stop early.
      // If returns `true`, retries continue even if maxRetries is exceeded.

  print('Result: $result');


  • If throwOnRetryExhaustion is true and retries fail, the last error will be rethrown.
  • If computeDelay is provided, it overrides retryDelay.
  • The onError callback can stop retries early by returning false.


  • The last error from tryBlock if retries are exhausted and throwOnRetryExhaustion is true.


FutureOr<R?> asyncRetry<R>(FutureOr<R?> Function() tryBlock,
    {R? defaultValue,
    bool throwOnRetryExhaustion = false,
    int maxRetries = 3,
    Duration? retryDelay,
    Duration? Function(int retry)? computeDelay,
    bool? Function(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace, int retries)?
        onError}) {
  if (maxRetries < 0) {
    maxRetries = 0;

  retryDelay ??= Duration(milliseconds: 1);

  return _asyncRetryImpl(tryBlock, 0, maxRetries, defaultValue,
      throwOnRetryExhaustion, retryDelay, computeDelay, onError);