getUnusedAssets method

Future<List<UnusedAssetModel>> getUnusedAssets()

Get list of unused assets from


Future<List<UnusedAssetModel>> getUnusedAssets() async {
  String currentPath = FileUtils.instance.getCurrentPath;
  final fileUtils = FileUtils();

  /// Read assets path from pubspec.yaml
  List<String> assetsPath = await fileUtils.getPubspecAsset();
  if (assetsPath.isEmpty) return [];

  /// Remove duplicate assets from [assetsPath]
  assetsPath = assetsPath.toSet().toList();

  /// Get config from assets_cleaner.yaml
  if (fileUtils.config == null) return [];

  /// Load all assets from pubspec.yaml
  /// and store in [assets]
  List<String> assets = [];
  for (var path in assetsPath) {
    final files = await fileUtils.loadAssets(path);
    for (var file in files) {
      assets.add(file.path.replaceAll(currentPath, ""));

  /// Get exclude file and extensions
  final excludeFile = fileUtils.getExcludeFile();
  final excludeExtension = fileUtils.getExcludeExtension();

  /// Remove exclude extension and file from assets
  assets = _removeExcludedExt(excludeExtension, assets);
  assets = _removeExcludedFile(excludeFile, assets);

  List<UnusedAssetModel> unusedAssets = [];
  if (assets.isEmpty) return [];

  print("Scanning ${assets.length} assets file");
  for (var asset in assets) {
    final fileName = asset.split("/").last;
    if (await CodeUtils.instance.containsAsset(fileName) == false) {
      unusedAssets.add(UnusedAssetModel(fileName: fileName, filePath: asset));
  return unusedAssets;