
asset_cache will load and cache any asset of type T given a decoder.

It was made as CachingAssetBundle does not cache binary data.

Binary resources (from load) are not cached.


Describe assets in your pubspec.yaml:

     - assets/images/
     - assets/json/

Create asset cache instances with an optional basePath to avoid full paths:

final imageCache = ImageAssetCache(basePath: "assets/images/");
final jsonCache = JsonAssetCache(basePath: "assets/json/");

Load and cache assets using load returns a Future<T>:

final image = await imageCache.load('sprite.png')
final json = await jsonCache.load('sprite.json')

The following AssetCache implementations are included:

  • ImageAssetCache
  • JsonAssetCache
  • TextAssetCache
  • ByteDataAssetCache

Custom AssetCache

Create a custom asset cache by inheriting from AssetCache and pass it a AssetDecoder.

You can also inherit from GenericCache and override loadAsset, if you don't want to load from a AssetBundle.


See example and test.

