BarcodeApi class

Constructors apiClient)


apiClient ApiClient
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


getBarcodeGenerate(String type, String text, {String? twoDDisplayText, String? textLocation, String? textAlignment, String? textColor, String? fontSizeMode, bool? noWrap, double? resolution, double? resolutionX, double? resolutionY, double? dimensionX, double? textSpace, String? units, String? sizeMode, double? barHeight, double? imageHeight, double? imageWidth, double? rotationAngle, String? backColor, String? barColor, String? borderColor, double? borderWidth, String? borderDashStyle, bool? borderVisible, String? enableChecksum, bool? enableEscape, bool? filledBars, bool? alwaysShowChecksum, double? wideNarrowRatio, bool? validateText, String? supplementData, double? supplementSpace, double? barWidthReduction, bool? useAntiAlias, String? format}) Future<Uint8List>
Generate barcode.
getBarcodeRecognize(String name, {String? type, String? checksumValidation, bool? detectEncoding, String? preset, int? rectX, int? rectY, int? rectWidth, int? rectHeight, bool? stripFNC, int? timeout, int? medianSmoothingWindowSize, bool? allowMedianSmoothing, bool? allowComplexBackground, bool? allowDatamatrixIndustrialBarcodes, bool? allowDecreasedImage, bool? allowDetectScanGap, bool? allowIncorrectBarcodes, bool? allowInvertImage, bool? allowMicroWhiteSpotsRemoving, bool? allowOneDFastBarcodesDetector, bool? allowOneDWipedBarsRestoration, bool? allowQRMicroQrRestoration, bool? allowRegularImage, bool? allowSaltAndPepperFiltering, bool? allowWhiteSpotsRemoving, bool? checkMore1DVariants, bool? fastScanOnly, bool? allowAdditionalRestorations, double? regionLikelihoodThresholdPercent, List<int>? scanWindowSizes, double? similarity, bool? skipDiagonalSearch, bool? readTinyBarcodes, String? australianPostEncodingTable, bool? ignoreEndingFillingPatternsForCTable, String? storage, String? folder}) Future<BarcodeResponseList>
Recognize barcode from a file on server.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
postBarcodeRecognizeFromUrlOrContent({String? type, String? checksumValidation, bool? detectEncoding, String? preset, int? rectX, int? rectY, int? rectWidth, int? rectHeight, bool? stripFNC, int? timeout, int? medianSmoothingWindowSize, bool? allowMedianSmoothing, bool? allowComplexBackground, bool? allowDatamatrixIndustrialBarcodes, bool? allowDecreasedImage, bool? allowDetectScanGap, bool? allowIncorrectBarcodes, bool? allowInvertImage, bool? allowMicroWhiteSpotsRemoving, bool? allowOneDFastBarcodesDetector, bool? allowOneDWipedBarsRestoration, bool? allowQRMicroQrRestoration, bool? allowRegularImage, bool? allowSaltAndPepperFiltering, bool? allowWhiteSpotsRemoving, bool? checkMore1DVariants, bool? fastScanOnly, bool? allowAdditionalRestorations, double? regionLikelihoodThresholdPercent, List<int>? scanWindowSizes, double? similarity, bool? skipDiagonalSearch, bool? readTinyBarcodes, String? australianPostEncodingTable, bool? ignoreEndingFillingPatternsForCTable, String? url, MultipartFile? image}) Future<BarcodeResponseList>
Recognize barcode from an url or from request body. Request body can contain raw data bytes of the image with content-type &quot;application/octet-stream&quot;. An image can also be passed as a form field.
postGenerateMultiple(GeneratorParamsList generatorParamsList, {String? format}) Future<Uint8List>
Generate multiple barcodes and return in response stream
putBarcodeGenerateFile(String name, String type, String text, {String? twoDDisplayText, String? textLocation, String? textAlignment, String? textColor, String? fontSizeMode, bool? noWrap, double? resolution, double? resolutionX, double? resolutionY, double? dimensionX, double? textSpace, String? units, String? sizeMode, double? barHeight, double? imageHeight, double? imageWidth, double? rotationAngle, String? backColor, String? barColor, String? borderColor, double? borderWidth, String? borderDashStyle, bool? borderVisible, String? enableChecksum, bool? enableEscape, bool? filledBars, bool? alwaysShowChecksum, double? wideNarrowRatio, bool? validateText, String? supplementData, double? supplementSpace, double? barWidthReduction, bool? useAntiAlias, String? storage, String? folder, String? format}) Future<ResultImageInfo>
Generate barcode and save on server (from query params or from file with json or xml content)
putBarcodeRecognizeFromBody(String name, ReaderParams readerParams, {String? type, String? storage, String? folder}) Future<BarcodeResponseList>
Recognition of a barcode from file on server with parameters in body.
putGenerateMultiple(String name, GeneratorParamsList generatorParamsList, {String? format, String? folder, String? storage}) Future<ResultImageInfo>
Generate image with multiple barcodes and put new file on server
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.