copyWith method

DateTimeCond copyWith({
  1. DateTime? min,
  2. DateTime? max,
  3. bool? ignore,

Returns a new DateTimeCond object with the same properties as this one, but with any specified properties replaced.

If any parameter is not provided, its value will be taken from this object.

  • min: An optional parameter. Specifies the earliest date and time for queried assets.
  • max: An optional parameter. Specifies the latest date and time for queried assets.
  • ignore: An optional parameter. If set to true, all assets will be returned, regardless of date and time constraints.


DateTimeCond copyWith({
  DateTime? min,
  DateTime? max,
  bool? ignore,
}) {
  return DateTimeCond(
    min: min ?? this.min,
    max: max ?? this.max,
    ignore: ignore ?? this.ignore,