
ArtemisCameraKit uses native android and ios APIs for taking picture and ScanningBarcode and Text Recognition

Main features:

  • Easy implementation
  • Automatic permission handling (no need for 3rd-party libraries)
  • Automatic camera resource handling for battery usage and avoid any conflict with another camera based applications.(you can also manage manually pause and resume camera)
  • fill property for camera preview frame.
  • Optimize memory usage in taking picture
  • auto, on and off flash mode while taking picture and scan barcode.

Getting Started



Add io.flutter.embedded_views_preview in info.plist with value YES. Add Privacy - Camera Usage Description in info.plist.


Create an instance of ArtemisCameraKitController then initial ArtemisCameraKitView passing ArtemisCameraKitController instance to it for better handling.

    final controller = ArtemisCameraKitController();

Use Widget in Build:

                fill: true,
                barcodeType: BarcodeType.allFormats,
                mode: UsageMode.barcodeScanner,
                onBarcodeRead: (b) {
                  log("Barcode Read $b");

or for text recognition Mode:

                fill: true,
                mode: UsageMode.ocrReader,
                onOcrRead: (o) {
                  log("Text Read ${o.text}");

Pause and Resume camera This plugin automatically manage pause and resume camera based on android, iOS life cycle and widget visibility, also you can call with your controller when ever you need.


Taking Picture This plugin can be used to take picture of current stream in order to use for other operations

    String? imgPath = await cameraKitController.takePicture();

Barcode Scanning or Text Recognition from image This plugin can be used to take picture of current stream in order to use for other operations

    String? imgPath = await cameraKitController.takePicture();
    OcrData? ocr = awat cameraKitController.processImageFromPath(imgPath);
    BarcodeData barcode = cameraKitController.getBarcodesFromImage(imgPath);

OCR functionalities are Disable in Android Because of mlkit limitations