Argyle Link Flutter plugin (Beta)

Argyle's Flutter plugin which wraps our native Android and iOS SDKs

Note: We recommend you to lock your app to portrait orientation.


1. Add the SDK dependency

Add argyle_link_flutter as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

2. Integrate

  1. Log into your Console instance
  2. Navigate to the API Keys area under the Developer menu
  3. Copy your Sandbox or Production Link API Key for use in the next step

        configuration: <String, Object>{
          'linkKey': '[YOUR LINK API KEY]'
        onAccountConnected: onAccountConnectedHandler,
        onAccountCreated: onAccountCreatedHandler,
        onAccountRemoved: onAccountRemovedHandler,
        onAccountUpdated: onAccountUpdatedHandler,
        onAccountError: onAccountErrorHandler,
        onUserCreated: onUserCreatedHandler,
        onPayDistributionError: onPayDistributionErrorHandler,
        onPayDistributionSuccess: onPayDistributionSuccessHandler,
        onUIEvent: onUiEventHandler,
        onDocumentsSubmitted: onDocumentsSubmittedHandler,
        onFormSubmitted: onFormSubmittedHandler,
        onError: onErrorHandler,
        onClose: () {});



For detailed guidance on how to integrate our SDK please review the example app located in this repo, and also check out our Link SDK Documentation.

iOS Requirements

  • Xcode 13.0+
  • iOS 12.0+

Android Requirements

Set the minSdkVersion in android/app/build.gradle:

android {
    defaultConfig {
        minSdkVersion 23 // or greater